A New Blog...
Introducing my new blog for cloudificent.net
A long time in the making
Ok so I’ve been thinking about creating a blog for some time, I’ve created personal blogs in the past but nothing in the technical space, which is what I do for a career!
So the purpose of the blog is simple, I’ll be aiming to add a new entry every week or so (well I’m going to try). The subjects for each entry will be based on one of the following areas;
- Something interesting from that week
- A synopsis on my current thinking in a specific area of interest
- General ranting - I expect a fair few of my posts will at least touch on this area :-)
I’ve enabled Disqus across the entire site, in the hope this will be a blog focusing not just on the articles I publish but also the rich conversations that may stem from them.
The techy bit
Ok so there is an interesting (at least I think so) technical backend to this blog, which is currently under experimentation at this time, so each time you visit something may have temporarily broken or changed. I think my first post may explain how some of it hangs together, and how it should be zero cost (or pretty close) to run, thanks to the wonderful world of AWS free tier.
Next steps
It’s fast approaching that wonderful time of year, and being a parent means I have the fun of last minute Christmas shopping to get gifs for the family. So I expect the first entry may be somewhat delayed until I get some time over the festive break, that being said please bookmark the site and come back soon.